
The system provides a powerful and flexible mechanism for describing tenancies and, in particular, the charges and income recorded against them.

Tenancy Record

Each tenancy has a main record which describes the basic attributes of the tenancy:

Attribute Description
Account Number Each tenancy is allocated a unique account number when it's first created. This cannot be changed.
Property Unit Each tenancy is associated with a rentable property unit. Property units which are not rentable cannot be used for new tenancies.
Tenant Name(s) The name(s) of the tenant(s).
Primary Contact Email The email id of the primary contact for the tenancy.
Telephone Number The telephone number of the primary contact for the tenancy.
Mobile Number The mobile number of the primary contact for the tenancy.
Start Date The date on which the tenancy started and, hence, the date from which rent is due.
End Date The date on which the tenancy ended and, hence, the date after which no rent is due. If the end date is absent then the tenancy is deemed to be open.
Minimum Term The minimum term (in months) of the tenancy.
Maximum Term The maximum term (in months) of the tenancy.
External Reference A reference value that you can optionally record for the tenancy. This field is only displayed if External Reference fields are enabled within your Business Setup settings. See the help content for the organization dialog for further details.
Furnishing The type of furnishing provided with the tenancy.
Deposit Protection
Details of whether or not deposit protection is required and if so, the date and reference for the deposit protection.
Right To Rent
Details of Right to Rent checks performed and, where required, the date up to which the tenant has the right to remain in the country.
The name and address of the guarantor (if any) for the tenancy.
Planned Tenancy End Date
For a tenant who's leaving, the tentative date on which the tenancy will end.
Planned Moving Out Date
For a tenant who's leaving, the planned date on which the tenant will move out.
Initial Date Notice To Quit Provided
For a tenant who's leaving, the date on which a notice to quit was initially provided.
Date Written Notice Received
For a tenant who's leaving, the date on which a formal written notice to quit was provided.
Forwarding Address
The forwarding address for a tenant who has left.
Whether or not the tenancy is archived. Archived tenancies are not displayed on the list of tenancies by default. They are also not displayed in the Tenancies panel on the home page. Archiving the tenancy will not delete any of its information.


The Attachments link at the top of the dialog displays the file attachments that are stored against the tenancy record. For further details see the attachments help topic.
Tenancy Charges

Each tenancy has a number of charges recorded against it. These charges are used to automatically calculate the payments that are due and to display details of the individual due payments in the tenancy balance.

When income is recorded against a tenancy you have to choose the charge against which to record the transaction, though the system will attempt to choose a sensible default for you based upon which charge has payments due.

There are four different types of charge:

Type of Charge Description
Deposit Charge Deposit charges describe the payments due for the deposit. Typically, an open tenancy will have a single deposit charge for the deposit amount due before the tenancy starts. However, you may want to enter multiple deposit charges if, for example, you wanted to track deposits due for each individual of a multi-person tenancy. When a tenancy is ended a negative charge should be created to describe the fact that a deposit is due back to the tenant. The tenancy dialog has a button called Return Deposit which automatically creates the correct negative charge.
Recurring Rent Charges A Recurring rent charge is used to describe a regularly repeating rent charge. Each recurring rent charge has a date from which it starts, an amount and a frequency which determines when it repeats. The first recurring rent charge must start on the same date as the tenancy start date and no recurring rent charge may start after the end date of a closed tenancy. For an open tenancy, the last rent recurring rent charge repeats until the current date.

A recurring rent charge doesn't have to start or end on a natural boundary of it's frequency. For example, a monthly charge doesn't have to start on the first day of a month, nor does it have to end on the last day of a month. The charge will simply repeat on the same day it started, e.g. for a monthly charge starting on the 10th April, it will repeat on 10th May, 10th June, 10th July, etc. In addition, a recurring rent charge does not have to end on the last day of it's repeating period. So, using the same example of a monthly recurring rent charge starting on the 10th April, the tenancy could end on the 31st July in which case the calculation engine will generate payments due on 10th April, 10th May, 10th June and 10th July, but for the last payment due it will calculate the precise amount due based upon the number of days between 10th July and 31st July.

Care should be taken to ensure the recurring rent charges generate the precise dates rent is actually due. For example, if a tenancy started on the 10th April and rent is due monthly on the 1st of each month then there should be two recurring rent charges created:

  1. The first recurring rent charge should start on the 10th April
  2. The second recurring rent charge should start on the 1st May

The system will automatically calculate the precise amount due between 10th April and 30th April based upon a daily rate derived from the monthly due amount (i.e. monthly amount x 1 ÷ 365).

One-off Charges Sometimes it's necessary to record the fact that a one-off payment is due. For example:
  • An administration fee at the beginning of a tenancy.
  • A charge for repairs to a property for which the tenants are deemed to be responsible.
  • An interest charge for a late rent payment.
  • Rent due where it's not possible to use recurring rent charges.
  • Refunds due to the tenants, in which case the charge should be recorded with a negative amount.
You can record the same type of one-off charge multiple times, each with different dates and different amounts. Simply make sure they have unique names.
Additional Recurring Charges Describes a repeating charge which is additional to the main rent, for example, a service charge or a cleaning charge. A tenancy can have any number of additional recurring charges and they can run in parallel with each other or with the main recurring rent charges.


  • The name of the charge must be unique within the tenancy.
  • Both Deposit charges and One-off charges allow negative amounts which mean that money is due back to the tenants.
  • Managing rent payable in arrears is only available to upgraded accounts.

Tenancy Charge Tax Basis

Each tenancy charge has a Tax Basis which determines how income records recorded against that charge are treated for taxation purposes. See the tax worksheet help for further details.

Creating a New Tenancy

To create a new tenancy record, click on the Tenancies link at the top of the page and then use the Record New Tenancy link on the left-hand side of the page to register the appropriate details.

The dialog for creating a new tenancy contains the basic attributes as described in the Tenancy Record section above. In addition, the following attributes are shown to make it easier to create the initial set of charges:

Attribute Description
Deposit The amount of deposit payable for the tenancy. This can be left blank if no deposit is due.
Rent The amount of rent, the frequency rent is payable and whether the rent is payable in advance or in arrears. For monthly rents specify the day of the month on which rent is due. For weekly rents specify the day of the week on which rent is due.
Starting Balance This section supports the explicit specification of the starting balance, which by default is £0.00 on the starting date of the tenancy. Typically, it's only necessary to specify the starting balance if you don't wish to record the full history of the tenancy. For example, if a tenancy started on 1st January 2006 and has always been regularly paid, but you only wish to track its balance from 1st June 2006 then you should create the tenancy with the following attributes:
  • Tenancy Start Date of 1/Jan/2006
  • Starting Balance of £0.00 on 1/Jun/2006

Once a tenancy record has been created then it's possible to adjust its charges using the regular Action icons on the Tenancy Balance page.

Tenancy Balance

To view the tenancy balance for a tenant, find the tenant in the Tenancies section of the home dashboard and click on the tenant name. Alternatively, find the tenant in the tree view of the Tenancies page and click on the tenant name. The tenancy balance page will display two main sections:

  • The top of the page contains the Tenancy Details section which is a summary of the tenancy along with an overall tenancy balance.
  • The remainder of the page contains the Account Charges and Payments section. This consists of a table split into a separate sub-section per tenancy charge. Each tenancy charge's sub-section shows the amount and date for each payment due and for each of these, the matching income records. Each sub-section also has a summary balance.

The system provides a powerful tenancy balance calculation engine. It uses the tenancy charges to determine the payments due from the tenant (or in the case of negative charges, refunds due to the tenant).

Each income record must be associated with a specific tenancy charge. For each Deposit and One-off Charges the calculation engine simply adds up the amounts of the income records recorded against the charge to work out the balance. For a Recurring Rent Charge the calculation engine generates the payments due automatically and then matches income records against them to calculate the balance. An overall balance for the tenancy is calculated by adding up the balances for each individual charge.

Tenancy Balance Display Options

The tenancy balance page can be customized in the following ways. These settings are also honored when creating printable pages or when exporting the balance statement.

Balance Date

By default, the balance is calculated up to the end of the current rent due period, or to the end of the tenancy if the tenancy end date has passed. You can override this and ask the system to calculate the balance on a specific date by setting the Balance Date field at the top of the page. If the override balance date is before the current date, then the statement will ignore any payments due and payments made after it. If the override balance date is in the future, then the statement will show all payments due up to that point and include any payments recorded in the future up to that point.

Full vs Compact Views

By default, the system displays the full details of the tenancy balance, showing all historical payments due and payments made. The selector at the top of the Account Charges and Payments section can be used to switch to the Compact View, which will then display a shorter view of the statement, showing only those payments due or paid for each charge since the last zero balance entry.

Default Display Options

You can also set various default display options using the Default Display Options link on the left hand side of the page. These options are saved as defaults for your user account and will be remembered across logins:

Option Description
Hide total paid/due Whether or not to display the total paid and total due in the summary. It is sometimes useful to hide these when producing statements for tenants.
Show latest first By default the tenancy balance is displayed in order of payment due date, from earliest to latest. This option allows you to reverse the order so they are shown from latest to earliest.
Show compact view By default, the tenancy balance is shown with the full view. Setting this option changes the default display so it is shown in compact view by default.
Always show actual dates A rent income transaction may have an optional reporting date defined for it. If specified, the reporting date is used as the payment date instead of the transaction date. This is particularly useful for aligning income transactions more accurately with payment due entries on the tenancy balance statement.

This option forces the statement to always display the actual transaction date even when a reporting date is specified. If this is enabled, transactions will be allocated to payment due entries using the reporting date, but will be displayed with the actual transaction date.
Payments and Charges

It's important to understand the distinction between payments and charges, in particular when dealing with deposits. For example, consider a tenancy which has a deposit of £400:

When the tenancy is started, you need to:
  • Record a deposit charge which says that £400 is due as deposit. This is automatically done if a deposit is specified when initially creating the tenancy. At this point the balance will be £-400 as a deposit is due but has not yet been paid.
  • Record an income transaction which says that £400 was actually paid. At this point you the balance will be £0.00 as no amounts are owed between you and the tenant.
When the tenancy is ended you need to:
  • Record a negative deposit charge which says that £400 is due back to the tenant. The Return Deposit link will do this for you. At this point the balance will be £400 because a deposit is held even though it is due back to the tenant.
  • Record a negative income transaction which says that £400 was actually returned to the tenant. At this point the balance should be £0.00 as no amounts are owed between you and the tenant.

